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var oTemplateEngine = (function(){ var Util = { /** * 执行回调 * @param Object handler {Function callback, Array args, Object context, int delay} * @param * __args 附加参数,些参数将会置于 handler.args 之前 */ execHandler : function(handler, __args){ if(handler && handler instanceof Object){ var callback = handler.callback || null; var args = [].concat(handler.args || []); var context = handler.context || null; var delay = handler.delay || -1; if(__args){ __args = [].concat(__args); args = __args.concat(args); } if(callback && callback instanceof Function){ if(typeof(delay) == "number" && delay >= 0){ if(callback.tid){ clearTimeout(callback.tid); callback.tid = undefined; } return (callback.tid = setTimeout(function(){ callback.apply(context, args); }, delay)); }else{ return callback.apply(context, args); } } } }, getTime: function(){ return Date.now ? Date.now() : (new Date().getTime()); } }; //options::start 启始标签 //options::close 结束标签 //options::handle 渲染后回调函数 //options::root 模板渲染时的本地对象空间 var _Template = function(name, options){ this.name = name; this.options = options; this.start = options.start || "<%"; this.close = options.close || "%>"; this.handle = options.handle || null; this.root = options.root || "obj"; }; _Template.TPLCache = {}; _Template.Cache = {}; _Template.prototype = { /** * 模板渲染 * @param boolean isDirect 是否为直接量,true: tplId为模板片断, false: tplId为模板容器ID * @param String tplId 模板或模板容器ID * @param Object metaData 模板数据 * @param Object handle 渲染回调 * @return Object ret {Object global, Object local} */ render: function(isDirect, tplId, metaData, handle){ var tpl = (true === isDirect ? tplId : (_Template.TPLCache[tplId] || (_Template.TPLCache[tplId] = $("#" + tplId).html()))); return (function(_t, str, data, callback){ // Generate a reusable function that will serve as a template // generator (and which will be cached). var startTime = Util.getTime(); var chr = function(str){ var tmp = ""; for(var i = 0, size = str.length; i < size; i++){ tmp += "\\" + str.charAt(i); } return tmp; }; var template = str; var fn = new Function( _t.root, "var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};" + // Introduce the data as local variables using with(){} "with(" + _t.root + "){p.push('" + //------------------------------------ // Convert the template into pure JavaScript str .replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ") .split(_t.start).join("\t") .replace(new RegExp("((^|" + chr(_t.close) + ")[^\\t]*)'", "g"), "$1\r") .replace(new RegExp("\\t=(.*?)" + chr(_t.close), "g"), "',$1,'") .split("\t").join("');") .split(_t.close).join("p.push('") .split("\r").join("\\'") //------------------------------------ + "');}return p.join('');" ); // Provide some basic currying to the user var result = data ? fn( data ) : str; var endTime = Util.getTime(); var elapsedTime = endTime - startTime; var o = { "result": result, "elapsedTime": elapsedTime, "template": template, "metaData": metaData }; var ret = { "global": undefined, "local": undefined }; if(_t.handle){ ret["global"] = Util.execHandler(_t.handle, [o]); //全局 } if(callback){ ret["local"] = Util.execHandler(callback, [o]); //局部 } return ret; })(this, tpl, metaData, handle); } }; return { "version": "R17B0817", getTemplate: function(name, options){ var _t = _Template.Cache[name] || (_Template.Cache[name] = new _Template(name, options || {})); return { render: function(isDirect, tplId, metaData, handle){ var ret = _t.render(isDirect, tplId, metaData, handle || null); var eng = this; eng["global"] = ret["global"]; eng["local"] = ret["local"]; return eng; } } } }; })(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function _children(items){ var size = items.length; var html = ""; var ote = oTemplateEngine.getTemplate("ote", { "start": "<~", "close": "~>", "root": "rd" }); for(var i = 0; i < size; i++){ var item = items[i]; html += ote.render(false, "tpl0", item, { callback: function(ret){ return ret.result; } }).local } return html; }; (function(){ var ote = oTemplateEngine.getTemplate("ote", { "start": "<~", "close": "~>", "root": "rd" }); ote.render(false, "tpl0", data, { callback: function(ret){ $(".app-body").find(".root").html(ret.result); } }); setTimeout(function(){ var body = document.querySelector(".app-body"); var node = document.querySelector(".root > .node"); var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); var width = rect.right - rect.left; body.scrollLeft = (width / 2) - window.innerWidth / 2; }, 60); })();